
Travelogue: the Orange County

This is the Travelogue episode that took the longest to make… Five years to be exact! There is footage in this episode that never made it into my very first episode ever!
In this action-packed episode, I visit my brother-from-another-mother Rick Apodaca, Owner of “the Tiki Monster” Soda Emporium of Stanton, CA. His shop is filled with soda curiosities and friendly folks! Check him out and SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES of Orange County!
Later I hang out at Golf n’ Stuff in Norwalk, where I talk a lady into letting me “borrow a club to shoot just one hole.” I also geek out just a bit because of the “Karate Kid” references there.
Also, I fulfill a lifelong goal for this series, and shoot inside of a Bob’s Big Boy Restaurant!
What fun, free things there are to do in Orange County if you just open your eyes to your neighborhood!